Thursday, February 11, 2010

Taken from my Facebook page, but should really be shared...

I was recently asked to contribute my opinion of the ten top beauty mistakes and tips for brides to be for The Knot.

I was flattered for the honor, and thought I would share with you what I wrote...

Who knows, maybe you will learn a trick or two!

Here is my list for the 10 top beauty mistakes and tips...

10. Try to avoid foundations that contain an SPF. This will cause the skin to appear lighter when the flash hits. Nobody wants a bride who looks like she has just seen a ghost.

9. Avoid waxing, facials, and any other harsh treatments on the face, neck chest and arms for at least a week before the wedding. You can always pluck the few stray hairs that may appear within that time.

8. Blot Powder/ Papers are your friend. Be sure to keep your shine to a minimum. The only thing that should be sparkling on your wedding day is your smile!

7. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate....and not just the day of. You should sleep in a closed room with a humidifier for the 2 weeks leading up to the wedding. Your skin will thank you for it.

6. Avoid tanning before your wedding. This means all tanning... The natural sun, spray tanning, and especially self tanning! But, if you do happen to have a bad experience with "fake and bake" bathe (and scrub lightly) in lemon juice! This will help get rid of the pretty shade of orange you have become!

5. Do not color your hair for at least a week and a half prior to your wedding day.

4. Stay away from looks that are too trendy! While teal eyeshadow makes a statement it may not be saying something you want to hear when you look back at your pictures.

3. Hide a long stemmed cotton swab in your bouquet. When you feel your self welling up at the alter, just dab the corners of your eyes with the swab to avoid makeup mess up. But, if you forget this, a damp powder puff will erase any streaks and have you picture perfect in no time.

2. Appoint a bridesmaid the job of reminding you to touch up your lipstick. Or wear a color no more than a shade darker than your natural lip. This way if there is no time for a touch up you can simply wet your lips and you have instant shine and are camera ready.

1. The number one mistakes brides make in my opinion is not being clear with their artist. Be sure to bring pictures with you to your trial. Bring pictures of things that you love, but more importantly, let them know the things you dislike! You will save yourself time and money by being clear.

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